THIS ITEM IS 20 INCHES. Welcome to our Store where you can find the decors you need for your room wall, office, bar, or business. We all know that colors inspire us and bring wanted energy to focus on our work or rest in our room. We make our neon sign designs with love, our neon signs are safe and easy to use, You can place them by yourself on the wall you want. Let’s take a look at the Customization procedure. You are in the right place to customize your neon sign, to learn what details we need, please read the following carefully. Our item’s features. Your brand’s logo if you have or just Text, Name, or Quote. A suitable adaptor for your country. And a note if you need any other requirement. Wedding neon signs, neon signs, wedding gifts, wedding decor, wedding neon sign, custom neon sign, neon name sign, nursery name sign. Southern, home sweet home, wedding, handmade, handcrafted, fixer upper, baby shower. Birthday party, happy birthday, baby’s first birthday, birthday decor, wedding gifts. Baby shower gifts, outdoors, rustic home, renovation, housewarming, housewarming gifts. Kids room decor, kids bedroom, gift ideas, neon name sign, custom neonsign,’til death neon sign. Better together neonneon good vibespizza neonneon open. Coffee neoncactus jack ledpac man neonneon pacmansygn neonled. Neon rolling stonesneon coca colneon hamburger. Cerveza modelo neon signchill neon. Hamburger neonjordan neon ledled neon cafemartini neonmc donalds neonneon bar openneon budneon cocktail bar neon cola. Neon exit neon guinness neon hard rock cafe bmw neon sign. M power neon sign.